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About Socorro Independent School District
Socorro Independent School District is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all students at every campus in the district. SISD has been implementing the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program district-wide for three years and has seen positive gains on all campuses. The district’s 45 campuses conduct weekly Olweus Classroom Meetings to educate students about bullying and help them understand the harm that it causes to those who experience bullying.

The district has dedicated time and resources to educate everyone at the campuses about bullying and how to handle a bullying situation. Everyone from teachers, custodians, cafeteria staff, monitors, bus drivers, parent liaisons and parents should know and understand what bullying is and what to do if they see or experience a bullying situation.

This website is one of the resources the district has to help our parents and students learn more about bullying. For more information regarding our bullying prevention program, please contact Fernando Vasquez at 915.937.1609.

About Connect with Kids
Connect with Kids, founded in 1998, is an instructional media company that produces documentary programs for television and evidenced-based, multimedia programs for schools with a focus on student behavior, parent engagement and social and emotional issues. Using the power of storytelling and peer-to-peer learning, Connect with Kids programs spark emotional connection and inspire positive behavior and cultural change. CWK owns one of the nation’s largest non-fiction multimedia libraries, with more than 6,000 hours of video featuring real kids and teens sharing their real stories, along with expert advice. Our video resources, with accompanying educational curricula, address bullying prevention, drug and alcohol prevention, academic motivation, life skills and character development, health and wellness, attendance, career readiness and more.

Who uses Connect with Kids video resources?
Students, college educators and K-12 staff around the nation, including (classroom teachers, school nurses, guidance counselors and P.E. teachers and coaches), social workers, probation officers, hospital personnel, and parents all use Connect with Kids. Any adult who wants to help improve the lives of children will find that Connect with Kids is a great tool to help students relate to adults and each other. Here are other ways and places teachers, parents and community leaders use Connect with Kids video resources:

  • Health Class
    Peer Leadership Groups
    Individual or Group Counseling
    Professional Development
    One-on-one Sessions
    After School Programs
    PTA Meetings
  • Physical Education
    Technology/Computer Lab
    Parent-Teacher Conferences
    Group Sessions
    Community Activities

Research and Methodology
Connect with Kids has been designated an “Effective Producer” of programs by the U.S. Department of Education and appears on the prestigious U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse List. Research shows that schools using Connect with Kids programs experienced:

  • A decrease in physical and verbal aggressive behaviors among students.
  • A decrease in the likelihood of students using drugs and alcohol.
  • An increase in positive social and emotional behaviors among students.
  • Improved communication among students, teachers and parents.